Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan professori Murray Hodgsonin esitelmää torstaina 16.4. klo 15:15 Espoon Otaniemeen. Alla lisätietoja.
Esitelmä liittyy Jukka Keräsen väitöskirjaan, joka tarkastetaan perjantaina 17.4. klo 12 salissa S1, osoitteessa Otakaari 5, Espoo. Väitöksen aiheena on Puheen vaimenemisen mittaaminen ja ennustaminen avotoimistoissa.
Luentotilaisuus torstaina 16.4.2015
Kuka: Murray Hodgson, PhD, CEng, FASA; Professor of Acoustics
Mitä: Research in Engineering and Architectural Acoustics at UBC and its Application
Missä: Iso Riihi (room I413a), Aalto ELEC building, Otakaari 5A, Espoo
Milloin Thursday, April 16th, 2015 at 3.15pm
Miksi: To know what they’re doing in acoustics elsewhere on this planet
Abstract: This seminar will introduce the context for engineering and architectural acoustics activities at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, directed by the author. The objectives, current membership and current/recent projects of the Acoustics & Noise Research Group will be briefly described. Then four current projects will be described in more detail: 1) acoustical evaluation of high-school Technology-Education Shops; 2) innovative ways to make cross-laminated timber panels sound-absorptive; 3) optimal design of natural-ventilation-opening silencers; 4) objective and subjective evaluation of acoustical quality in healthcare office buildings.