The Institute of Physics (IOP) Finland Chapter järjestää audionkäsittelyseminaarin Tampereen Teknillisellä yliopistolla 3.10.2016 klo 9:30-16. Seminaari on englanninkielinen. Ohjelmassa mm.
Professor Samuli Siltanen, Helsinki University, presentation on ‘Synthesizing speech by solving an inverse problem’.
Professor Esa Räsänen , Tampere University of Technology (TUT), presentation on ‘The physics of drumming’.
Professor Tapio Lokki, Aalto University, presentation on ‘Capturing and reproducing the acoustics of concert halls’.
Professor Ville Pulkki, Aalto University, presentation on ‘Developing spatial sound techniques for human listeners’.
Teppo Karema, Chief Executive Officer, VLSI Solutions Oy, Tampere, presentation on ‘Development of audio integrated circuits from product idea to mass production’.
Lars Rasmussen, Vice President, Sennheiser Communications A/S, Ballerup, Denmark, presentation on ‘Professional headsets with active noise cancellation for the contact centre and office (CC&O) market’.
Akustisen seuran jäsenet saavat alennuksen seminaarin osallistumismaksusta. Tarkemmat tiedot ja ilmoittautuminen täällä.